Westfield Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 8RA

01992 465739

Westfield CP School

Westfield takes steps to make sure every child is ready to learn and enjoy life.

Meet the staff

Senior Leadership Team

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead- Mrs Kelly Gradwell

Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and SENDCo- Mrs Bryoney Hobbs

Early Years Leader and Reception teacher- Mrs Charlene Roberts

Pastoral Staff

Family Support Worker and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead- Mrs Sue Tigwell

Class teachers

Reception- Mrs Charlene Roberts and Mrs Alison Foggon

Year 1- Mrs Emily Arnold and Mrs Charlotte Diesi 

Year 2- Mrs Amrit Dhadyalla

Year 3- Mrs Louise Jackson

Year 4- Mr Doriano Verderame 

Year 5- Mr Steve Forro

Year 6- Mr Peter Cox and Mrs Ellie Kane

Support Staff

Miss Murray, Mrs Corrigan, Miss Eveleigh, Miss Eldridge, Mrs De Marco, Miss Entwistle, Mrs Greaves, Mrs Meek, Mrs Bird, Mrs Truszkowska, Mrs Herencia

Office Team

 Mrs Karen Arnold and Mrs Maria Christodoulou

Premises Manager

Mr Paul Butler

We have Midday Assistants to look after children at lunchtime

They are

Miss Murray, Mrs Entwistle, Mrs De Marco, Mrs Greaves, Miss Eldridge, Miss Eveleigh, Mrs Bird, Mrs Bracaliello and Mrs Meek